Unlock the full potential of your podcast regardless of hosting providers
Start a Free 7-Day TrialCoHost’s Prefix is our tool that allows you to gain industry-leading analytics and audience insights from the CoHost platform without having to change your podcast hosting provider.
Our team will work with you to set up the prefix on your RSS feed so you can easily track the data you need to understand your audience and measure performance.
Get an in-depth look at the companies listening including their size, industry, location, and revenue.
See which companies and industries are listening across episodes to understand audience preferences.
Filter by listener role, seniority, company, size, and more. Export your list of companies who listen for engagement and lead gen.
Discover your listeners' age, income, family members, and more in a Listener Profile to verify if you're reaching your target audience.
Get a detailed look at your listeners’ interests, sub-interests, and lifestyle type so you can curate content effectively.
See your listeners' social media consumption and habits so you know which channels to nurture in your marketing mix.
**Demographic information provided is an estimate based on information provided in the RSS feed. It is a sample of your overall listenership that is created from valid data that can be matched back to accurate, thoroughly researched data.