The State of Podcast Agencies 2024

Explore this year’s podcast agency landscape, including challenges, opportunities, and trend predictions.

Podcast agencies have solidified their place in helping brands, pro-podcasters, and networks create series that resonate with global audiences and make an impact. But what constraints, opportunities, and information gaps impact the agency landscape today?

In the State of Podcast Agencies 2024, we dive into the latest insights and data on the current podcast agency landscape.


The State of Podcast Agencies 2024 highlights key insights, including:

Word-of-mouth (88%) and referrals (81%) acquire the most customers for podcast agencies

Trackable ROI (33%) is the largest constraint on client success

Most agencies (83%) still rely on downloads to measure client success


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This report gives brands and agencies insights into

As podcasting continues to evolve, the industry has begun to recognize the pivotal role of podcast agencies in helping to develop, produce, and distribute successful podcasts. Our State of Podcast Agencies Report offers insights into the industry's latest trends and strategies, empowering brands and agencies to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve.
Stacey Orth, COO @ Quill Inc. and CoHost

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