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How to Create a Podcast Media Kit That Performs

Last updated on

September 16, 2024

How to Create a Podcast Media Kit That Performs

Creating a media kit is an easy way to let people know what your podcast is about, the topics you cover, and your goals. In this article, we outline some of the key elements of a podcast media kit so you can craft your own.

Alison Osborne


 min read


Imagine this, you have an influencer in your industry interested in coming on to your podcast. But, they want to know who your audience is, how your audience responds to the podcast, examples of previous guests, etc. 

Now rather than spending all the time to gather these details, wouldn’t it be nice to quickly fire off an email attachment with all of the above information and more? 

Enter podcast media kits. 

What is a podcast media kit?

A podcast media kit is a concise, informational document that provides potential guests, sponsors, or partners with key details about your show, including its purpose, topics, audience demographics, and goals. 

It's a time-saving tool that effectively communicates the value of your podcast in a professional and streamlined format, supporting your podcast marketing and outreach efforts. 

As your podcast grows, you’ll want to have these kits prepped and ready to be sent to relevant parties quickly and efficiently.

And if you’re looking to create a media kit for your podcast, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we outline: 

  • When to use a podcast media kit 
  • The key elements of a podcast media kit
  • How to make your own 

What’s a podcast media kit for?

First things first, why should podcasters create professional media kits?

Keeping a media kit on deck provides an easy and convenient way to tell potential podcast stakeholders about your show and why they might want to collaborate. 

Whether you’re hoping to provide potential sponsors, guests, or journalists with more information about your show, the media kit will offer a brief glimpse into your shows: 

  • Tone
  • Purpose
  • Subject matter
  • Audience engagement 
  • Community and fanbase
  • Performance stats and analytics 

Some (but definitely not all) of the scenarios you might want to share a podcast media kit include:

Podcast guest sourcing

Sharing a professional media kit with potential podcast guests helps them understand why they’re a fit for the show (subject matter), how they’ll benefit from being a guest (audience reach), and who has come onto the show before (trust signals). 

What to share in media kits for guest sourcing: 

  • Podcast overview: What your podcast is about, the topics you cover, and the goal of your show.
  • Audience demographics: Who your listener base is – think gender, age, location, income, industry, etc. 
  • Trust signals: Podcast reviews, testimonials, or previous guests to show credibility. 

Guest promotion

For some guests, getting them to promote the podcast is almost more challenging than getting them to record. So why not make it as easy as possible? Provide guests with materials to promote their episode feature within their network through a consolidated guest media kit. 

These guest kits may include: 

  • Link to the episode: Either a web page, preferred listening app, LinkTree, or even better, a Tracking Link, give guests the destination you want listeners to go to. 
  • Promo graphics: Custom graphics of the guest’s podcast episode. This shouldn’t be the generic cover art. Make sure it has the unique episode name or image of the guest. 
  • Video snippets: Whether this is an audiogram or cut video from the episode, give guests the option between graphics or something more engaging like video to share. 
  • Sample social media posts: Go the extra mile and provide guests with sample social media posts, custom to their episode, that they can easily share on their channels. 

Press & general inquiries 

As your podcast grows, you may receive questions or interview requests from journalists hoping to profile you or your show. Of course, you’ll want to be prepared for this, so keeping a media kit on hand to quickly share all relevant assets and information is a huge time saver. 

This also applies to general inquiries about your podcast. For example, anyone curious to learn more about your show or brand. 

Making these types of podcast press kits available to download on your website will even help to save more time in the future so people don’t need to reach out directly. 

What to include in your podcast press or general inquiry kit: 

  • Podcast overview: What your podcast is about, the topics you cover, and the goal of your show. 
  • Trust signals: Podcast reviews, testimonials, or previous guests to show credibility. 
  • Performance stats: Not all will be comfortable with this, but if you have impressive stats such as +XX downloads per month that you’re comfortable sharing, put this in your kit. 
  • Previous guests: Highlight some of your impressive guest roster. 
  • Contact information: Especially if the kit is accessible on your website, tell people how they can get in touch with you. 

Sponsorships & networks

And finally, podcast sponsorships and networks.  

Whether your podcast is monetized or you have goals to monetize, a media kit is hugely helpful when winning over potential podcast sponsors and advertisers. Sharing relevant audience insights, demonstrating success, and communicating the value of your show all give sponsors a sense of the ROI when working with you.

And a similar note for networks. When a network is looking to sign on a new podcast, they’ll need information about your show's performance, rates, audience, etc. to know whether it’s a fit. 

Things to include in your media kit for podcast sponsors and networks: 

  • Trust signals: Podcast reviews, testimonials, or previous guests to show credibility. 
  • Podcast overview: What your podcast is about, the topics you cover, and the goal of your show. 
  • Audience demographics: Who your listener base is – think gender, age, location, income, industry, etc. 
  • Performance stats: How many downloads per episode and/or month do you get? What’s your consumption or listen-through rate? What’s been your show’s growth over time? 
  • Rate card: How much do you charge per ad or ad block? If you’re unsure, here’s a guide on pricing but note that it’s dependent on your show, how dedicated your audience is, how niche, etc. 
  • Contact information: Especially if the kit is accessible on your website, tell people how they can get in touch with you. 

What’s in a podcast media kit?

While we’ve touched on the key elements to include in a media kit for specific goals like guest sourcing or sponsorships, let’s take a closer look at the essential components that make up a well-rounded podcast media kit. 

Below, we’ll outline the core elements every general media kit should feature to effectively showcase your podcast and its value.

  • 1-2 paragraph synopsis of the show: This blurb should include a brief description of the show, the topics typically covered in episodes, and the overall podcast goal(s).
  • Podcast artwork: Include your podcast’s cover art and any other creative collateral such as a podcast logo. 
  • Three+ examples of episode topics: These short-and-sweet overviews should include the episode title, a summary of the episode, the guest, and the episode link.
  • Bio and headshot of the host(s): Your media kit should provide a good sense of the person behind the podcast because this typically draws in listeners.
  • Stats to showcase performance: The metrics you may want to include in a podcast media kit are consumption rates, unique listeners, downloads, and growth over time.
  • Audience engagement: Showcase your listener's engagement with the podcast through reviews, testimonials, chart rankings, and star ratings. 
  • Audience data: Data and insights into who your listeners are such as where they’re located, income level, gender, where they work, industries, etc.
  • Audience following: Data on your following and engagement across relevant channels related to your podcast such as social media or newsletters. 
  • Company information: If a company or brand is behind the podcast, include a brief description of what the company does, its mission, logo, and anything else relevant. 
  • Imagery: Of course, your media kit should be eye-catching and engaging. Include high-quality imagery and graphics that correlate with your podcast’s branding.
  • Press and awards: Have you been featured on other podcasts or in relevant publications? Add these wins to your media kit to share with viewers. 

Should I make multiple versions of my media kit?

Since you’ll likely be using your media kit for several different purposes (many outlined above), you may want to create multiple versions for various stakeholders and keep them on file. Again, this can come in handy when you’re strapped for time.

You’ll likely want to make small tweaks to your kits such as amplifying audience reviews and engagement for press or adding a rate card for potential sponsorships and advertisers. So use your discretion depending on who you’re connecting with. The goal is to make your podcast look as successful and attractive as possible, so don’t be afraid to showcase the strong points.

Sample media kit

About the podcast 

Show Title: The Growth Show

Show Description: Hosted by CoHost’s CEO, Fatima Zaidi, The Growth Show is dedicated to helping podcasters gain a new understanding of podcast data and analytics to develop a devoted audience base. In each episode, Fatima sits down with successful podcasters to hear their take on the key ingredients of audience growth, non-negotiable elements of podcast marketing today, and the tips that helped them win over listeners. Tune in for expert insights, success stories, and valuable podcasting hacks that will help you fast-track your show to the top of the charts.

Our Mission: To give podcasters unique insights and takes on the podcast industry to help them sustainably grow their audience. 

About Fatima Zaidi

Bio: Fatima Zaidi is the CEO and Founder of Quill Inc. an award-winning podcast agency and CoHost, a podcast hosting and analytics platform built for agencies and brands. Fatima is recognized as a valuable member of the tech and podcast landscape, winning two Top 30 under 30 awards, the Young Professional of the Year by Notable Life, Veuve Clicquot’s Bold Future Award, and one of Flare Magazine’s Top 100 Women. Fatima has worked with a variety of leading brands including Expedia Group, PwC, Interac, and Walmart on their podcast strategies. 

Episode examples

Podcast Growth 101

Guest: NA

In this solo episode, host Fatima Zaidi provides listeners with a comprehensive rundown of podcast audience growth. Exploring the key elements of growing an audience including social media, paid tactics, data analytics, and more. This episode offers a crash course in achieving the pinnacle of podcast success.

The Key to Discovery

Guest: Alison Osborne, VP of Marketing at Quill & CoHost 

Discoverability is one of the most important elements of growing your podcast audience and connecting with your community. In this episode featuring special guest Alison Osborne, the VP of Marketing at Quill & CoHost, learn the most important steps to ensuring your podcast is discoverable so you never risk missing out on potential new listeners.

Better Metrics for a Better Podcast

Guest: Stephanie Andrews, VP of Product

Hoping to brush up on your podcast data and analytics knowledge to grow your audience? You’ve come to the right place. Featuring Quill and CoHost’s VP of Product, Stephanie Andrews, this episode outlines the most important podcast metrics to track on the road to podcast success and meaningful audience growth.

Podcast stats & audience engagement 

Metric overview & audience profile: 

  • Unique listeners: 9,000/month
  • Downloads: 11,000/month
  • Audience profile: 
  • 70% female 
  • 80% based in the US, 60% being in major metropolitan cities such as New York, LA, and Chicago
  • Income of $90,000+ 
  • Primarily works in the media and entertainment industry 
  • Works at companies such as HubSpot, Spotify, and iHeartMedia
  • Is an avid TikTok and YouTube user and consumer 
  • Other interests include reading and sports such as running

Listener reviews: 

  • “The Growth Show has been pivotal in helping to grow not just my podcast traffic, but my dedicated audience.” 
  • “I’ve always loved how Fatima connects with each guest and pulls relevant insights from them! Always a must-listen for me.” 
  • “I recommend The Growth Show for any podcaster, no matter the stage of their podcasting lifecycle.” 

About CoHost

CoHost is a podcast hosting, analytics, and audience insights platform built for podcasters. We specialize in creating tools that simplify your podcast workflow, saving you time and resources so you can focus on doing what you love, creating a stellar podcast. 

With key features like Advanced Audience Demographics, B2B Analytics, Tracking Links, Automatic Transcriptions, and Automatic Websites, CoHost is your one-stop podcasting shop.  

How to create a podcast media kit that performs 

A well-crafted podcast media kit is an essential tool for podcasters looking to build connections, attract guests, secure sponsorships, and promote their show. 

By including key elements like audience insights, performance metrics, and a compelling show overview, you can showcase the value of your podcast both effectively and professionally. 

Remember, your media kit should be an evolving document that reflects the growth and success of your podcast, making it easier to communicate your podcast's strengths and opportunities to potential partners. 

If you have questions about creating a media kit for your podcast, reach out to our team of podcast experts!